An Introduction to Key Biblical Terms

Are you on a path of spiritual rediscovery or wondering about the deeper meanings behind the terms you frequently encounter in spiritual discussions? You’re not alone.

Whether navigating a transition in your faith, seeking clarity, or simply curious about the Bible’s rich teachings, you’ve come to the right place.

In this series, we’ll embark on an enlightening journey through Key Biblical Terms. Our goal is not just to define words but to illuminate the profound beauty and transformative power behind these concepts.

Coming from a Mormon background, we understand that you might be familiar with specific interpretations of these terms. We aim to gently guide you into a broader, biblically centered understanding, offering a fresh perspective that we hope will touch your heart and enrich your spiritual journey.

Each article in this series is crafted with care and compassion, seeking to bridge the gap between what you might already know and the expansive, grace-filled teachings of the Bible. We’ll explore terms like ‘sin,’ ‘grace,’ ‘forgiveness,’ ‘atonement,’ and more, diving into the scriptural depths to uncover the treasures hidden in these words.

We invite you to join us on this journey. Whether you’re seeking answers, healing from past confusions, or a stronger relationship with Christ, these insights are here to guide and support you. Let’s discover together how Jesus, in his grace and truth, is sufficient for every need, bringing hope, peace, and joy to our lives.

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To understand anything else in the Bible, we must first understand the concept of sin. We cannot grasp why there is so much hardship in this world and our lives unless we understand sin. We cannot appreciate our need for a Savior and the concept of grace unless we understand sin. 

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Just as recognizing the nature of sin is essential to understanding the world’s hardship and our need for a Savior, so is grasping grace’s meaning. Through understanding grace, we can fully appreciate the magnitude of God’s love and the gift of the forgiveness of sins and eternal life.

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Often misunderstood, faith is often viewed as living the gospel by following the commandments, acting upon our beliefs through righteous works, developing an unshakable testimony of the gospel, exercising our agency to choose the right, even when it’s hard, and acting in confidence based on our spiritual witness of truth. However, these views don’t capture the essence of faith as presented in the Bible.

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Good Works

Good Works

Understanding the role of good works comes with layers of complexity and misunderstanding. For many, good works are seen as religious duties. Yet, this view does not capture the biblical essence of good works. 

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Laws play a crucial role in our daily lives. They set clear expectations, and adhering to them typically brings order and blessings. Because of this, it's understandable that we might see God's law as a divine guideline akin to a roadmap to lead us to righteousness and divine favor. Yet, when we turn to the Bible, we find that God’s expectations, as laid out in his law, are vastly different and exceedingly beyond our reach.

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For many, the gospel is seen as a blend of restored truths and divine commandments, conveyed through prophets and centered on a plan for eternal progression. However, the biblical gospel reveals a markedly different focus.

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The Atonement

The Atonement

The atonement is more than just an abstract theological concept; it is the heartbeat of redemption, the turning point of history, and the cornerstone of our relationship with God.

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The Cross

The Cross

Although some view the cross as an offensive symbol, it holds a profound significance within the Christian faith. It represents one of the most beautiful expressions of God’s heart for humanity, revealing the intersection of his wrath, justice, mercy, and love.

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“Who is Jesus to you?” This question isn’t merely a historical inquiry—it’s a highly personal exploration that touches the core of our existence.

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