
Cari: A Mormon’s Eye-Opening Easter Experience

As a Mormon, I knew what Jesus had done, but now I understand why Jesus did it. I finally understand why Easter changes everything.

— Cari

On Easter 2014, Cari’s traveling Mormon military family reluctantly attended a sunrise service at an “apostate” church in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany. Little did she know that this simple act of obligation would ignite a spiritual awakening within her. As she sang the words of “Nothing but the Blood of Jesus,” Cari was overcome with emotion, her heart stirred by a message she had never truly understood–the message of grace.

Witness Cari’s pursuit of answers as she grappled with the realization that Jesus’ sacrifice was enough, that his blood had paid the full price for her sins, and that she didn’t need to earn or learn her way to eternal life with Heavenly Father.

This new understanding shattered the foundations of her Mormon beliefs and propelled her on a journey of discovery that would ultimately lead her to embrace the unconditional love and grace found in the true gospel of Jesus Christ.

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